I really enjoyed this live.
I think The STIRReRS is real rock musician in Osaka.
I live their music sounds and I like their style because Vocalist looks so happy!!
I think it is important because audience feels their mind. So I felt happy ,he made me happy.
Japan’s Finance Minister Shoichi Nakagawa will step down, he announced Tuesday.
He had come under fire after appearing intoxicated at a weekend news conference at the G-7 meeting in Rome.
What’s ?
We are worry about our future but Japanese gvot don’t care about us.
They just think themselves.Do you know your job?
Please look us & our life…we are looking for our future.
Why do you not talk about us? We dont care that who is premier.
We are just care about Japanese future.
We can’t say anything…we don’t have hope about Japanese gvot.
Now we understand we have to think of our future by ourself for our children’s future.
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We went to friend’s party at Shimomatsu on 18/Oct.
It was nice party,we enjoyed talking and dancing. Thanks a lot!!
And we saw Danjiri festival too,I had never seen Danjiri festival in my life. I wanted to see it.
It was nice festival,if you are man so you want to attend it.
There are a festival in my county town too.
When I was child I love it. I often go to ‘Kenka Matsuri’. It mean fighting festival.
We hitattack another Yatai.
Tonight we talked about Japanese education.
My girlfriend works at public high school in Osaka.
And she said that Japanese students don’t have eagerness for studying English.
She tried to teach them to enjoy studying English but they did not show no reaction…
And she said that they have everything..so they don’t have purpose about their future.
I agree with her,their life is not bad now .They have a bed and some money and friends and time to play.
They don’t have risk. Sometime risk is important for improve.
I’m 26 years old,now I work in society.I could get a lot of knowledge and experience from risk.
I booked Giovanca Live in Osaka yesterday.
Sally’s hairdresser recommended this live to Sally.
First time we didnot know this artist and then we listened her music on website.
Her song is very easy listening for us.
So we checked her live schedule and we booked her live next Saturday on Billboard.
There are some thickets,you can get it.
We went to Expo park in Osaka.
Our destination is watching many beatiful sun flowers.
It were so beautiful…it was unforgettable thing.
We saw lots of type of sun flowers.
It was Nozomi and Cocoa and Gauguin and。。Rossiya。。and Gogh.
And many pepole fixed up garden. We told about flowers.
Then we knew that they were volunteer.
That day was so hot but they fixed up garden for us.
So I want to say ‘Thank u so much. We could enjoyed a beatuiful time.’
This grope is NPOヒ。ソヘ ・ル・ケ・ネ.
If you go to Expo park when you meet them please say ‘、ェネ隍?ヘ、ヌ、ケ’.